Onkyo Audio Gallery

Company information:

Started out in 1946. Osaka Denki ONKYO K.K. is established and begins manufacturing phonograph pickups. The CP-1000—the first product to bear the ONKYO brand. They manufactured intergraded stereo systems though out the years, they majored in turntables, early amps, preamps stereo receivers and also the cassette tape format beginning in 1981, The TA-W800, the world's first high-speed dubbing, double-cassette tape deck with a wide variety of tape-editing functions.

More history and information is available at Onkyo's website.

Website: http://www.onkyousa.com

Onkyo Audio Equipment

Onkyo classic audio equipment gallery. This gallery contains vintage 1950s - 1980s audio equipment. Onkyo stereo receivers and cassette decks.

Note: Galleries do not go in any specific order. We do try and keep older equipment at the top of each list as the lists goes down to newer.

Onkyo Stereo Receivers

Onkyo Stereo Receiver Model TX-666
Onkyo Stereo Receiver Model TX-1500MKII

Onkyo Cassette Decks

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